Monday, April 4, 2011

I have a blog

Just one more "thing" about blogs, and then I will move on to the next assignment.
Yesterday my family and I went to dinner at our favorite restaurant to celebrate my son's birthday, and my daughter getting into a one year Japanese language graduate program. Anyway, during the conversation, the subject of blogs came up. I told them that I had a blog. Their eyes lit up as if to say, wow, Mom has a blog? What's the name of your blog?, my daughter asked. At this point, I am glad I remembered what Polly said about remembering our blog name, and password, etc. My blog is There's also Sister Rose's of Maria College at The two should not be confused. I am not a librarian, but for convenience sake, my son often refers to me as a librarian to his friends when they ask what I do (see the first post below). My daughter typed it in on her iPhone, and sure enough, it came up. Did she doubt me? I don't know...Kids, they think they know everything! End of story. On to the next assignment.


  1. To make matters even more confusing we have Sr. Rose at Maria and Maria at St. Rose as two of the most involved CDLC members.

  2. And if I moved to St. Rose, it would be Rose at St. Rose, hehe.
