Friday, April 1, 2011

Pushing buttons

I just have to share my experience about our new phone system that will be put in place sometime in the next couple of weeks. Yesterday we went to a training session to learn how to operate our VoIP phones. I am usually not afraid to try new things. Well, it turns out that you have to push a lot of buttons in order to learn how to make calls, review your list of missed calls, delete your list of missed calls, do call transfers, and conference calls. What ever happened to good old fashioned phones where all you have to do is pick up the receiver? It's a good thing we have a user's manual.


  1. A woman after my own heart! The good news is that you probably won't use all those features anyway. Or you will know you can use them, but it will be way too much trouble to dig out the book and re-learn it when the time comes to need it!

  2. Phone operators too!!! There was something very civilized about "is this the person to whom I am speaking?" All these menus are dehumanizing.
